Adding Fractions Worksheet Hard. Welcome to our Adding Subtracting Fractions Worksheets page. Includes adding fractions with the same denominator (easy) and addition with unlike denominators (harder).
Working with fractions means that students must also feel comfortable in multiplication and division. Fraction strips can be laminated for durability and cut out to compare, order, add and subtract fractions. In case you've forgotten: The numerator is the number at the top of the fraction.
We hope that the worksheets given above would have been much useful for the students who would like to practice problems on adding fractions.
In this adding and subtracting improper fractions worksheet we outline how you can add both regular and improper fractions together.
Adding fractions worksheets: Practice adding of fractions using these worksheets. Adding fractions worksheets; subtracting fractions and comparing fractions. These fractions worksheets are great practice for the adding two fractions.