Anti Corruption Policy Template Word. It is Project Everyone's (PE) policy to conduct all of our work in an honest and ethical manner. The following definitions shall apply to this Policy: a) Corruption is derived from the Latin word corruptus (spoiled) and corrumpere (to ruin.
Carrying out due diligence is also necessary to demonstrate to auditors and. anti-corruption requirements in each of the countries in which the Company does business. This Anti-Corruption Policy cannot address all the issues raised by local legal requirements, which may be more restrictive than the Group's standards. This Policy sets forth the basic requirements regarding anti-bribery and anti-corruption that all Personnel must follow in their dealings on behalf of the Company.
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Anti-Bribery policy, as the name suggests, are documents that lay down guidelines or procedures that seek to prevent bribery among the people working for and with a charity organization.
Where appropriate, your Legal Team and General Counsel-Ethics & Compliance Officer will provide additional guidance as to the reach and. Anti-corruption (anticorruption) comprise activities that oppose or inhibit corruption. Types of corruption and corrupt behavior and their nuances: petty, grand, political, electoral, systemic, administrative, business, vertical and horizontal and other types of corruption.