Advance Care Directive Forms Nsw. Many states have their own advance directive forms. Anyone can use these forms as a template for writing their own advance care directive.
An advance directive form is a step- by- step method of letting someone take the medical decisions on your behalf. New South Wales does not have a specific form for an advance care directive and some local health districts have forms a person may complete in those districts (such as Statement of Values and Wishes). Many states have their own advance directive forms.
It also lets you write down your wishes about donation of organs and the.
By completing an advance directive, you can identify treatments you want/don't want, state your wishes.
Create a high quality document online now! You might think of it as a living document—one that you can adjust as your situation changes because of new information or a change in your health. An advance directive also allows you to express your values and desires related to end-of-life care.