Affidavit Of Bona Fide Marriage Sample Pdf. AFFIDAVIT - I, full name of the person making affidavit, born on date o. It must be on official government paper and get it notarized.
Does anyone have any samples of bona fides marriage affidavit? Original Title: Evidences of Bona Fide Marriage. You must prove that your marriage is bona fide and not a sham for the sole intent of getting a green card.
This Affidavit of Marriage is being submitted for the following reason: _ Oath or Affirmation of Affiant: I certify under penalty of perjury under Alabama law that I know the contents of this Affidavit signed by At the end, you will immediately receive the document in Word and PDF formats for free.
It must be on official government paper and get it notarized.
AFFIDAVIT OF BONA FIDE MARRIAGE. relationship and I have full confidence that their marriage will remain a lifetime commitment. • That I acquired my knowledge of the relationship between the persons named in item IV in the following manner. . Citizenship and Immigration Services, which believes that a high number of the. Does anyone know where I can find sample affidavits?