Agile Non Functional Requirements Template. And let's not forget about security systems. Non-functional Requirements allows you to impose constraints or restrictions on the design of the system across the various agile backlogs.
A practical checklist for eliciting nonfunctional (non-functional, quality attributes) requirements Nonfunctional Requirements Definition. Non-Functional Requirements In An Agile Project is presented by Don Krause. Functional Specifications Templates for Agile Development.
Time of servers and other devices shall be synchronized to a reliable reference time.
However,they are characterized as hard to define, and in agile software development(ASD), are often given less priority and usually not documented.
Agile teams implement requirements in priority order, as defined by their stakeholders, so as to provide the greatest return on investment (ROI) possible. And let's not forget about security systems. Whereas functional requirements convey what features the Product Owner would like built, non functional requirements (NFRs) describe system behaviors, attributes and constraints, and they can fall under multiple categories.