Agile Status Report Example. Here's an example of cascading OCRs for a hypothetical software company that has a goal of tripling the quantity and quality of software the company develops. Effective status reports can be done at many different levels-- at the company level, department level, team level, task level, and individual level.
It summarizes how agile project managers can apply two agile metrics--iteration status chart and burn-down chart; it looks at the dynamics, concerns, and advantages involved in using these two charts. Find effective Agile Status Reporting Templates that are very helpful to keep up your company's quality standards. Here's an example of cascading OCRs for a hypothetical software company that has a goal of tripling the quantity and quality of software the company develops.
For a basic example, please feel free to download the Excel Status Report Template found in the Project Management Media Gallery.
Types of Project Status Reports: Know Your Audience.
Want to outline the current state of your project? Check out our Agile Reports for Jira App on the Atlassian Marketplace. Agile management is a method of managing projects that aim to provide new products or services.