Agile Test Strategy Example. For Example, One test environment for the functional test team and another for the UAT team. Divide testing tasks to agile strategy example, she works as the product development managers and the business goals are given a qa?
After all, your Agile test strategy is the very heart of the Agile method. This strategy sets BDD apart from other Agile methodologies. Agile Testing Interview Questions will help you to prepare for Agile Testing interviews.
Examples: User Acceptance Tests, Exploratory Tests.
Although traditional development has used a big-bang, deferred testing approach, agile testing develops and tests systems in small increments, often developing tests before writing the code, Story, or Feature.
For example, developers use TDD to write unit tests to fail before code has been written. After all, your Agile test strategy is the very heart of the Agile method. Also want to learn software testing with BEST online courses?